Search Engine Optimization or SEO use tags and keywords as tools to attract visitor traffic to your site. Keywords and tags usually mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. However, keywords and tags play two different roles. The main difference between these two tools is where you can find keywords on a website and where you find tags.
Here are some things to know when differentiating keywords and tags.
Keywords are the ideas/topics, search engines use to help find the website. Keywords help define the content on a certain page. They tell the search engine, concisely, what the website content is about.
Keywords are essential for a website. This is why good keyword research is so important. They can be found on every page that has writing on it.
If you would like to have more hits on your website, you can optimize your webpage but adding more related keywords. Google or another search engine will pick up these keywords and will add them to the results of someone’s search results when they type in the keyword. This will boost traffic on your blog.
Tags are used to help describe what the content is about and how it is connected.
On a lot of sites, you can create your own tags. This means you can make custom tags that can be used for a group of similar articles. This helps you find articles that have common themes or ideas.
Tags can be a powerful blogging tool. You can tag blog posts that are about the same subject. This is helpful to the author and reader.
Never try to use different versions of a tag you have already used. It is very hard to differentiate.
Keywords are used for search optimization. They are found in the content of your website or blog.
Tags are not found in the content but are assigned by the author to the content. Tags are used mostly for blogging. They help organize a blog’s content.